NextAfrica’s founders

Maryanne Akoth, based in Nairobi, Kenya. A technology innovation enthusiast who is keen to collaborate in teams to provide real-world technological solutions. Has vast work experience in information and communication technology with international exposure in Sub-Saharan Africa, Finland and Sweden.

Karin Krobath, based in Vienna, Austria. Geographer and consultant. In 2005 she co-founded identifire – the first Austrian agency for Employer Branding and Corporate Culture. She enjoys developing brand environments, giving innovative mindsets a helping hand and bringing about behavioural changes in everyday life. Her work is always about people’s empowerment from Austria to Africa and vice versa. Learning Journeys to African countries for businesspeople emerged from her voluntary work as chair of Light for the World.

Amollo Ambole, based in Nairobi, Kenya. A design researcher with a passion for sustainability issues. Has a background in product design and experience in development research. She facilitates co-design processes geared towards sustainability in African cities. From 2017 to mid-2019, she led an interdisciplinary research team in Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa to co-design better access to sustainable household energy in urban slums.

Hans Stoisser, based in Vienna, Austria. Entrepreneur, management consultant and author, has been building infrastructures in African countries for many years. Since 1992, he has been managing ECOTEC, which has been active in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Palestine and Brazil, but particularly in African countries. In his book “The Black Tiger” the economist explains why Europe has missed to link up with modern Africa and what could be done instead. More details at
NextAfrica is powered by:

ECOTEC makes collaboration in Emerging Countries work.
– We bring together many years of entrepreneurial experiences with companies and organizations at the interface between Europe and Africa.

IDENTIFIRE specializes on Employer Branding and Corporate Culture. Clarity on brands and strategy and focus on innovations are essential.

Circle Innovation is an innovation think tank based in Nairobi working at the intersection of human-centred design, innovation and startup support.