Learning Journey to Silicon Savannah
19/01/2026-22/01/2026, Nairobi, Kenya
Business in Africa – a one-day Online-Workshop
30/11/2022, 9am-5pm , online-workshop
Online-Workshop Part 1: Rwanda
24th June 2020, 16-18.15 CEST: Online-Workshop Part 1:Rwanda – the Proof-of-Concept Country What do companies that operate successfully in Rwanda have in common? They have chosen Rwanda to innovate! The country has a government with a clear vision and a…
Online-Workshop Part 2: Silicon Savannah
1st July 2020, 16-18.15 CEST: Online-Workshop Part 2:Silicon Savannah – Why real needs make up a different digital transformation The mobile revolution in the 2000s showed the Western world something previously unknown: communication is a basic human need and enabling…
Online-Workshop: Doing Business in Africa
24/06/2020, 01/07/2020, 08/07/2020, Webinar
Connecting with African Startups – a Webinar
Networking in Africa – a Workshop
26/02/2019, 9am to 5pm, Vienna, Austria
EUR 390 + VAT
Disrupt Collaboration! – Video Documentation
Disrupt Collaboration! – Africa and Europe in the Digital Age
18/12/2018, 9-10.30am, Austria Center Vienna
Good Tech Venture Lounge
24/05/2018, 7pm - 9pm, Vienna, Austria (Kanzleramt Bar, Schauflergasse 6)
free, registration required
Global Innovation Ecosystems
05/06/2018, 4 - 6pm, Vienna, Austria - Weinplateau Südafrika, Tiefer Graben 7, 1010 Vienna
for free, registration required